The Love N Lindt Bouquet is the epitome of elegance and indulgence. Featuring two romantic red roses, paired with Lindt ball chocolate picks, leather fern, and box foliage, this bouquet is the ultimate way to express your appreciation or let someone know you're thinking of them on special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, or even just to say thank you. This beautiful small token gift is sure to make anyone's day and will leave a lasting impression.
Consists of:
1 x Leather Fern
5 x Assorted Lindt Chocolate
2 x Box Foliage
4 x Orange Roses 50cm
Market fresh flowers sourced daily
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Same day delivery available if ordered by 2pm
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Customers who recently bought Love N' Lindt said:
Absolutely perfect no issues aren’t all and the flowers look beautiful
Tmeka, 13 February 2025
Use better smelling water for the flowers
Xavier, 02 January 2025
I’m grateful as it was done efficiently and quality, it was just the roses were a bit underwhelming as the photo showed large and open roses where I got closed and quite small
Trinity, 28 December 2024
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