Introducing our Sweet Spring Bouquet, a vibrant arrangement carefully handcrafted by Flowers Across Melbourne. This stunning bouquet features a delightful combination of chrysanthemums, asters, sweet william, viburnum, and carnations, creating a delightful symphony of colors and fragrances. With same-day delivery available for orders placed by 2 p.m., you can surprise your loved ones with this enchanting gift on special occasions or simply to brighten their day. Perfect for birthdays, get-well gestures, or any meaningful celebration, our Sweet Spring Bouquet is sure to bring joy and warmth to any room.
Consists of:
1 x Purple Statice
2 x Pale Pink Gypsy
2 x Viburnum
1 x Purple Asters
1 x White Chrysanthemums
2 x Hot Pink Carnations (Sim)
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